Natalya Pavlova

Personal consultant, couch • Online • RUS, DE
Personal consultant, coach for existential analysis and logotherapy (Existential Analysis and Logotherapy - GLE international). Leader of parent self-knowledge and support groups. Practice since 2017.

I work only online and am ready to help you with requests such as:

✓ crisis situations when “something needs to be changed!”
✓ personal growth “I don’t know what I want, but what I know I don’t want!”
✓ anxiety and tension “I can’t relax! I don’t sleep well!”
✓ relationships in couples, work with couples “he’s bad, but I can’t leave / I don’t want / it’s my own fault”
✓ child-parent relationships and support for the formation of parenthood “what to do with it?”
✓ difficult children and what to do with them
✓ maturation of a strong self in a teenager and how to survive it
✓ healthy lifestyle and eating disorders “or how to get behind your body”

I work in the existential-analytical direction of psychology, rooted in existential philosophy. In my opinion, this is the deepest look at a person.
Existential analysis seems to me to be a very caring approach, where there is space for freedom and support for you as a client, where special attention is paid to respectful and fair treatment, where your uniqueness is an integral and important part of your life.

In existential analysis, the primary role is played by the dialogue that develops between the world and you, the space that this exchange forms. The quality of life, and, ultimately, satisfaction with the way your life flows depends on the correspondence of this space to your character.

Achieving your goals is the hardest work you do as a client, and my job is to support this process.

“Man came into this world to Be. All the rest does not matter.” ( A.Langle)